

Meet Bona

She started learning about stock market at a young age.

Stock Market Is Hard?

Learning about the stock market is not hard. The concept of the stock market is not hard.

A business needs money. They go to the stock market to sell parts of their company. Those shares are called stocks. The public (you and me) can buy and sell those stocks.

Trading is the act of buying and selling in a short period of time. It can be within minutes or within hours or within days to weeks.

Investing is buying a stock qnd keeping it for years before you sell it.

The Problem

Yung isang problema sa Pinoy eh di tayo natututo about stock market at an early age kaya instead learning about it nung bata pa and have a proper learning curve eh grown ups na tayo nung matuto and minamadali natin learning curve natin.

Kahapon lang natuto about stock market gusto na agad maging expert.

You Wish You Started Early

If you ask any stock trader or investor kung ano nag iisang regret nila when it comes to trading/investing, they often answer na they wished they have started at a young age.

Well, wish yun. Yung sayo wish yun but sa kids mo or younger siblings mo pwede maging reality.


Imagine mo na at a very young age eh naglelearn na ang kids mo about stock trading/investing.

“Sana sa school tinuturo ito sa mga bata”

It will be taught one day. When?I don’t know.


Eh aasa mo ba yun sa school?

You Can Do Something Right Now

Here are the tools you need to start.

Register via this form to avail a copy:TD PH PAMANA STOCK TRADING BOOKS HERE 

It’s not expensive. It won’t make a hole in your pocket.

Having your kid learn about the stock market early will give them a better chance in life later on.

Instead bilhan mo sila ng gadgets which a month from now sira na rin or di na rin mapapansin try buying them something that would last sa mind nila forever.


Parents Already Started

A lot of parents already started buying books for their kids.

A lot of OFW already bought books for their wife and kids.

Stock trading and stock investing is not hard.

If a 9-year-old can learn it, so can you and so can your wife, siblings, and kids.

Our advocacy is FREE Education for Filipinos who are willing to learn stock trading/investing. We offer free Technical/Fundamental Analysis and Market Psychology learning materials. 

If you want to learn more about stock trading join our Facebook Group  Traders Den PH

Inside Traders Den PH  are the following: Weekly Lessons, Healthy Discussions about strategies, experiences, and lessons about stock trading. Trading strategies like MAMA, FISHBALLPAPACALMA, and fun games too. For video guide you can watch our videos in Traders Den PH Youtube Channel 

We want to offer OFW’s, Employees, and all Filipinos a chance to learn without paying a cent.  This is our way of giving back to the community.

Want to support our ADVOCACY? Click HERE

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